Have you been unusually nervous before an important event? To have tics , even to get sick right before an exam? To get overwhelmed by panic and feelings of helplessness and heart palpitations when you need to do a bunch of important and responsible tasks, and time is short? Unfortunately, career advancement, more money and responsibility, higher expectations, and more people you are responsible for, only worsen these conditions. Unless we learn to manage stress.
So in a quest to learn from those who are similarly afflicted with having incredibly stressful jobs at an early age, I’ve asked some people who have been there and done that to share tips for coping with the ever-increasing responsibilities and even more stress as they climb the career ladder. Here’s what they told me:
Take time for yourself, whether in wine, exercise or reading
Don’t worry too far ahead in the future and don’t panic before panic is due! Otherwise, you risk falling into the trap of the thousand-legged bug that was paralyzed because he couldn’t decide which leg to move first. Take some time every day for you. Even if it’s only a half hour a night, it helps to get out of the stressed out head.”
Do your most important task at the start of the day
Time management is also important. Make sure you work on the most important tasks first each morning — what is going to make the most impact. Too many people come in and get right on emails and then half way through the day they really haven’t completed much on the larger tasks and start getting stressed.
Ask for help
Young CEOs have some special challenges. You’d better know when to ask for help, trust the people you work with, treat everyone the way you would want to be treated, and act honestly and ethically. This approach can greatly reduce the amount of stress that one experiences at work. Asking for help may come in many forms, such as hiring interns and assistants, delegating some of your responsibility, finding a professional to talk to about your life, or finding a mentor who can give you advice on the next steps for your career.
Stay fit: where the body goes, the mind follows
During the most stressful periods in life people often gain or lose weight. she adds. Simple rules help a lot: First, eat a low-sugar, low-carb diet. Second, one glass of wine or one mug of beer is enough. And third, a personal trainer is worth going broke over. If your body’s in good shape, that’s one less thing your mind needs to worry about. Use all of your vacation days; taking time off is important to re-energizing yourself.
Be all you can be: observe, orient, decide and act
Follow that advice when you feel the stress. Orient yourself in the direction of taking action, and consider the outcomes of various action steps. Then, decide when and how to move forward. Always act. Don’t stop in the middle of an open field under fire! In the office that means you have to support and resource your chosen plan of action.
Breathe. Just breathe
Stress in the workplace is something that comes with the territory for many jobs and professions. How we deal with it can make or break our careers. How do you handle a stressful career, a stressful life transition, or stressful situation, and come out on top? Join the conversation by leaving a comment below!