We always search for more information about the potential employers when we are looking for a job. We look for the opinion of the people we know, as well the opinion of the people who have worked for those companies.
In order to help its users to find the most suitable working place, JobTiger brings into use a new functionality on
www.jobtiger.bg, called "Fan of an employer". It will allow JobTiger users to determine the most preferred and popular employers, registered on the site.
All users of JobTiger can vote for the preferred by them employers and this way become their fans. The voting is accessible on the
"Job Postings",
"Courses" and
"Featured companies" sections of the site and for the registered users only. Each user can be a fan of more than one employer at the same time, as well to be excluded from the group of the employers that he had already voted for.
You can find more details in the subsidiary texts of each section.
With this functionality JobTiger aims at encouraging the communication between its users and achieving more transparency in the employee-employer relationship. By voting for their favorite employers, the site users can help each other in searching the most appropriate employer and the most appropriate job position. The information about who the most preferred and most popular employers are will be another one reference point for the jobseekers on the labor market and will give them more confidence when they apply for available positions.
The main idea of the functionality "Fan of an Employer" is to measure the positive attitude of employees and jobseekers. The employers themselves can use the "fan club" functionality to build and sustain a name of a preferred employer on the labor market. This is possible if the employees of the corresponding company vote for it and become its fans.