The jobseekers, registered in JobTiger now can choose how to create their online CV, since there has been added another way of CV adding and editing - at one step.
Users now can enter, edit and remove information from all the fields of their online CV by opening them at one page. This way of filling up the form considerably facilitates and speeds up the process of CV creation and for that reason it has been highly evaluated by many users.
When users activate their online CV, they can set the CV a “Searchable” status, make it accessible to a part of the registered employers and this way they can increase their chance to find the desired job. Filling up the CV form as it was until now “step by step” is also accessible, and the users can change the two conditions at any time according their preferences.
We remind you that the CVs, created on the site, are available in the standard JobTiger format, as well in the Euro format.