Hello friends,
Suddenly, for all of us, JobTiger reached 10 years.
This is nice, complete anniversary, and as long as we are good tigers, we decided to give you as a present some space in
our blog, where you can tell
your stories, connected with your
job... How did you find it, what happened there or how did you left it.
The stories can be connected with JobTiger or not. You may send us a short explanatory note, or maybe a movie? You are limited to your own spirit of invention only.
Please, send all the materials at
stories@jobtiger.bg. And let them be funny - it's a feast after all!
And for the feast we will treat everyone who send us a sensible story with a bottle of our favourite wine
"10 years JobTiger". And there is more! At the end of the year we will award the 10 best stories with more generous presents. Isn't it wonderful?
Welcome, the site is yours, let have fun together and describe the
working life of the Bulgarians in the 21st century!
Svetlozar Petrov
Managing Director