On November 21, 2012, in the foyer of University of National and World Economy were oficially opened the second specialized “Career Days” devoted to sectors: Finance | Insurance | Marketing and Advertising | Customer Support.
The specialized “Career Days” are held traditionally, but for the first time they are organized in the University of National and word Economy by Jobtiger in cooperation with the Inter - University Center for Career Development (ICCD) and Student Council to UNWE under the patronage of the Rector of UNWE Prof. Dr. Stati Statev.
Wellcoming greetings to the organizers, for creating better opportunities for development and career growth for young people in Bulgaria, made the rector of UNWE - Prof. Dr. Stati Statev, the vice premier of MLSP - Zornitsa Rusinova and the executive director of the National Employment Agency - Kamelia Lozanova, the vice-president of the Management Board of the Confederation of Employers and Industrialists in Bulgaria - Petko Dimitrov and the manager of JobTiger - Svetlozar Petrov.
Twenty-five companies presented their business and open job and internship positions, and visitors have the opportunity to learn about the different creative practices in finding a new job and career opportunities during the free seminars within the event.

“Career Days” is an all-day event. Participation of students and young professionals is completely free.
The specialized “Career Days” are the last for this year and are part of the largest career forum in Bulgaria - “National Career Days” organized by JobTiger in all major academic centers in the country and part of the overall policy and responsibility of the company to the labor market in Bulgaria.
You can find detailed information about the event at:
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