Memberships Partners and Recognition


Award for HR consulting project/tool of the year

JobTiger project for the transformation of the largest career forum in Bulgaria National Career Days in the first large-scale virtual event in Bulgaria in March 2020 - in less than 10 days and in an unprecedented situation - won the award in the category HR consulting project / tool of the year at the Annual Awards of the Bulgarian Association for People Management.

Employer of the year 2020 Silver, awarded by Investors in People

In the silver category for Employer of the Year for companies with up to 49 employees, 8 finalists were announced. We are extremely proud to announce that the grand prize was awarded to the JobTiger team and so the company became the only one in Bulgaria awarded this prize, which is another proof that we put the people in our team above everything and we know that our success is due to them.

Third place in the category “Crisis Communications” from the PR Prize of BPRS

The JobTiger team grabbed 3rd place in the “Crisis Communications” category of the BPRS PR Prize. The award was given for the communication during the innovative holding of “National Career Days” 2020 during the state of emergency.

First place in the category “Innovations in Crisis” from b2b Media Annual Awards

The award was given for the innovative organization of “National Career Days” 2020 during the state of emergency. In just over a week, the JobTiger team successfully transformed the largest career event in Bulgaria, traditionally held in 7 cities, into a new, fully virtual format.

“Investors in People - Silver” Certificate

In 2019 JobTiger defended the silver level, which we received in 2016 and recertified for the international standard for people management “Investors in People”.

Award “Innovation in marketing and PR field”

The integrated service for building and promotion of an employer brand with the name #EmployerBrandingPower of InterImage and Job Tiger was awarded the first prize in the category “Innovation in marketing and PR field” during the b2b Media Annual Awards.

“Investors in People” Certificate

JobTiger received accreditation for a certificate to cover the Investors in People standard. It certifies the company‘s commitment to high business performance and excellent management of the available staff. JobTiger received the accreditation in its Silver version.

Thanksgiving address from “Business Club” Magazine

We want to thank to “Business Club” Magazine for the trust and the invitation to be part of their cause in support of Bulgarian business!

Certificate of successful partnership for the realization of projects of Samsung Bulgaria in the education sector

Once again, we received a valuable recognition for our work. This time it comes from one of our close partners Samsung Bulgaria. Over the past few years we have worked ogether on many different projects aimed at young people in Bulgaria. All of them were designed to help young people acquire new skills and to be more successful in finding their vocation and career. We are glad that we can continue working together in the future.

Svetlozar Petrov, manager of JobTiger, was awarded the prize “Best Career Start” in the “Mr. and Mrs. Economics” 2015 contest

For the first time in the history of the contest, an HR company was awarded for its contribution in the development of the Bulgarian economy.

The contest “Mr. and Mrs. Economics” has been held for over 20 years and is organized by CEIBG - Confederation of Employers and Industrialists in Bulgaria and “Economics” magazine.

Diploma for successful partnership on the project “The book that ispires me”

JobTiger received a recognition from Sofia City Library for the successful partnership on the project “The book that ispires me”.

“Working with Investors in People” Certificate

JobTiger was certified with the international recognition “Working with Investors in People”. Investors in People is an internationally recognized standard created in 1991 in UK, which is now approved in 78 countries.

Forbes Business Awards 2014 - second place in category “Employee of the Year”

Our company was honored at the Forbes Business Awards Bulgaria for fourth consecutive year. Veselin Georgiev, CTO at JobTiger, was awarded the second place in the category “Employee of the Year”.

Forbes Business Awards 2013 - first place in category “Employee of the Year”

For third consecutive year, JobTiger team was awarded in the Forbes Business Awards Bulgaria. Our colleague Nelli Malakova, Senior Recruiter, was deservedly awarded the first place in the category “Employee of the Year”.

Award for significant contribution to the development of the quality of life for 2013

During the annual awards of Association “Quality of Life” JobTiger was awarded for significant contribution to the quality of life in Bulgaria for 2013.

“Organizer of the Year” - third place

During Eventex Awards 2013 JobTiger won the third place in the category “Organizer of the Year” for the row of job fairs, meetings with students and schoolchildren, exhibitions and business studies and many more that our team organized last year.

JobTiger - Socially responsible company

As a participant in the forum “Career in Bulgaria. Why not?”, JobTiger received a certicate for socially responsible company that not only offers open job positions, but also enables many Bulgarians to return and build their career at home!

Collaborator in the search for the ideal and were awarded an honorary diploma for the media support of the competition Ideal Standart Bathroom of the Year 2012.

Forbes Business Awards 2012 - second place in category “Employee of the Year”

Our colleague Eleonora Todorova, Manager “Events” in the company, won the second place in the category “Employee of the Year” at Forbes Business Awards 2012.

Award for positive image of women in advertising and marketing was among the winners during the first award ceremony for positive image of women in advertising and marketing in the competition of the EP Information Office in Bulgaria. In the category for TV project, took the prize with the project of 50 video interviews with women from different professional fields.

Recognition for participation in Empower Young Leadership Development Internship Program

In 2011 JobTiger was part of the Young Leadership Development Internship Program of Empower United Foundation.
The program aims to encourage and support promising young Bulgarians to develop their full potential through an eight-week internship course in leading Bulgarian and international companies.

Recognition and àward for forum “National Career Days”

The largest career forum in Bulgaria, “National Career Days - Good Career, Good Life”, won the third place in the category “Business event of the year” during Eventex Awards 2011.

Award for participation in the implementation of Empower Young Leadership Development Internship Program 2011

In 2011 JobTiger was awarded, for second time, for recruiting best of the best students for The Empower Young Leadership Development Internship Program.

Award for participation in the implementation of Empower Young Leadership Development Internship Program 2010

In September 2010 JobTiger was awarded by Empower United Foundation for recruiting best of the best students for The Empower Young Leadership Development Internship Program."

Forward Together

In 2008 Ministry of State Administration and Administrative Reform awarded JobTiger with diploma for successful partnership in administration modernization process, "Forward Together" category"

Biggest corporate donor of time and services

For consecutive year JobTiger was awarded with the prize "Biggest corporate donor of time and services", bestowed by the Bulgarian donors' forum. The prestige award approves once again the hard work of the JobTiger team in 2007 for development of the university career centers in Bulgaria.

Speaker at the first conference for the start and development of own business - Start UP 2007

The manager of JobTiger, Svetozar Petrov, was honored as a speaker at the first conference for starting and developing of own business in Bulgaria - Start UP 2007.

Award from the US Agency for International Development (USAID)

In February, 2007 JobTiger is honored with an award from the US Agency for International Development for participation in the project &lquot;Labour Market&rquot;. The award is in recognition of the successful partnership and a symbol of the achievements in building a network of university career centers.

Manager of a professional recruitment services website

This year’s edition of the Annual awards "Human resources 2006" was once again a recognition for the JobTiger’s team and its efforts for the establishment and support of university career centers. The company’s managing director Svetlozar Petrov was honored with the award "Manager of a professional recruitment services website". The awards are organized by the "Human resources in Bulgaria and the Eurointegration" foundation and "Human resources" magazine.

The biggest corporate donor of time and services

JobTiger was honored with the award for the biggest corporate donor of time and services, by the Bulgarian donors' forum. In 2006 the sum donated amounts to 76 460 BGN and the award recognizes once again the hard work and efforts of JobTiger’s team for the establishment of university career centers.

Investor in the Human Capital and Working Conditions

JobTiger won the award in the "Investor in the Human Capital and Working Conditions" category in the annual 2006 awards for Socially Responsible Business of the Bulgarian Business Leaders Forum (BBLF). By this award JobTiger was acknowledged for its project of creating and developing university career centers and making them popular among students, academic community, business and state administration.

E-brand establishment

The forth edition in 2006 of the "Brand Manager of the year" contest brought another recognition of JobTiger team. Winner in the category "E-brand establishment" was Svetlozar Petrov, Managing director of JobTiger.

Club of Corporate Donors

JobTiger, together with the Bulgarian Forum of Donors, GloBul, the United Bank of Bulgaria, OMV and the First Investment Bank, with the kind support of the British Embassy, is a co-founder of the Club of Corporate Donors – the first of this kind in Bulgaria. The establishment of the Club of Corporate Donors aims to develop and promote strategic business donation in Bulgaria. Its existence will change the environment of corporate charity through setting standards of transparent, regular and responsible donation and will spread information for the major trends in this field.

Investor in the Human Capital

JobTiger together with Nestle Bulgaria won the "Socially Responsible Business' Award in the "Investor in the Human Capital" category in the annual 2005 awards of the Bulgarian Business Leaders Forum. The prestigious award was granted for the annual "Careers" forum for student internship and career, organized by JobTiger.

prize for partnership and support

Bulgarian Human Resources Management and Development Association (BHRMDA) bestowed Svetlozar Petrov, Managing Director of JobTiger, with the prize for partnership and support in 2005.

nominated for BestPractice-IT award

In 2005 has been nominated for BestPractice-IT award for the most creative IT solution in competition with 300 companies (competing) for that annual award. Among the nominees only 12 companies are from European countries other than Germany.

creating and development of university career centers

For its participation in the "Labor Market" project in 2005 JobTiger was awarded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) for exceptional merits in â creating and development of university career centers.

Military talent - civil profession

In 2004 Executive Agency Military Clubs and Information honored JobTiger with certificate for participation in labor market "Military talent - civil profession".


JobTiger is honored by the Ministry of Economy, Ministry of Labour and Social Policy and Ministry of transport and communications for its lead efforts in up-to-dating the labor market and promoting the students’ probation among the employers.

Best Web Site for On-Line Services in 2001

At the third annual Bulgarian Web Awards in October 2001 JobTiger was officially recognized by the public as the Best Web Site for On-Line Services in 2001 and in addition had been chosen by an international jury as the Most Successful Debut of the Year.