Professional Hotel and Catering Employees - Cyprus
други в чужбина, Кипър
длъжност на пълно работно време
От 3000 до 4000 лв.

Professional Hotel and Catering Employees - Cyprus

други в чужбина, Кипър длъжност на пълно работно време От 3000 до 4000 лв.

За нас

Mansystems Business Consultants is seeking professional Hotel and Catering Employees to work in Cyprus for its clients.


As per job description of each position.

Изисквания и необходими умения

- Knowledge of Greek or English is required.

Ние Ви предлагаме

We offer:
- Accommodation & meals provided
- Five-day work week
- Annual leave & travel benefits
- Competitive salary: 2900 - 3900 BGN (1,500 – €2,000 Euro)

Информация за контакт

Телефон: +35722465990