Do the employers invest in their employees’ training?
Most employers are aware of how hard it is to create a competitive and effective company/organization these days, especially in the always dynamic conditions of the so called "Information Age”. However they are not alone in doing it. There are people who make things happen every day, people they can rely on and people they should take care of – their employees. And part of the care for these people is supporting their growth as professionals and individuals.
Going to work and dealing with every-day office activities is indeed not enough for achieving self-perfection. Many people began realizing this fact in the last few years and the phrases "lifelong learning”, "continuing education"started making sense for more and more workers. Regardless of the stressed every-day life many people show strong will for increasing knowledge and improving skills – they are ready to attend evening or weekend classes, to read more in the "leisure"time, to specialize in different areas.
Since combining a job with classes is not an easy task to deal with, people usually need some help from their employer – moral support, a little time and not so expensive financial investment. These things are not a waste for the company at all. Because the investment in training means not spending of time and money, but gaining a satisfied and grateful employee, introducing good practices in the workflow, generating more constructive ideas, achieving more effectiveness, etc.
Unfortunately many workers from different business fields have never been trained at work. Even more are those who are "forced" to find out on their own the best way of doing their job. However, the new knowledge, skills and know-how are essential for a business to progress. Communication skills, management qualities, trading skills, computer literacy … these are just some of the competences that can be acquired by training. Training, that should be carried out not for the newly-hired and non-experienced employees only and not just occasionally.
Yes, it happens occasionally124
Yes, but only for the newly-hired119
No, we train ourselves unaided since the job should be done226
No, these are unnecessary expenditures of time and money89
I don’t know, I haven’t been trained till now94