Factor "quality of human capital" is the basis of the success or failure of any business. The struggle for skilled, motivated, disciplined and versatile staff will always be cruel, regardless of the economic situation. The competition for such personnel among large companies often puts small businesses at disadvantage. Large and small companies, however, are not insured by loss of capable people. Which again brings us back to the question of effective and innovative ways to promote the image of a company as an employer. Or said in foreign - Employer Branding.
For us, the specialists from JobTiger, Employer Branding is the image of the employer that the company builds and acquires in the minds and hearts of people over the time and is the result of particular efforts of the organization in this direction.
In other words, if in the public your company is known as a "great place to work" where take care of their employees, train them and provide them with excellent conditions to develop and utilize their potential, plus good pay, fair social policy and open communication between hierarchy levels ... Even if this is true for your company no one can understand it if you do not share and consciously work for your good employer image.
The development of organizational culture that leads to a sense of belonging, dedication and commitment to company's business and its products, as well as encouraging the employees to share the organization's goals for success are present and future business challenges. Because this results in involved customers, responsible society and a better future for our children.
And if you are not specialists in the building and maintenance of employer image, the next few lines may be useful for you:
Employer Branding by JobTiger
For us, the specialists from JobTiger, Employer Branding is the image of the employer that the company builds and acquires in the minds and hearts of people over the time and is the result of particular efforts of the organization in this direction.
In other words, if in the public your company is known as a "great place to work" where take care of their employees, train them and provide them with excellent conditions to develop and utilize their potential, plus good pay, fair social policy and open communication between hierarchy levels ... Even if this is true for your company no one can understand it if you do not share and consciously work for your good employer image.
The development of organizational culture that leads to a sense of belonging, dedication and commitment to company's business and its products, as well as encouraging the employees to share the organization's goals for success are present and future business challenges. Because this results in involved customers, responsible society and a better future for our children.
And if you are not specialists in the building and maintenance of employer image, the next few lines may be useful for you:
Employer Branding by JobTiger
If as an employer or business owner you are looking for new members to your team, BUT want the best specialists, and also you care what people think of you as an employer, you must understand and psychology of trade. Because you are а product, well-known is that an increasingly crucial factor in the choice of purchase is the opinion of those around us … fact!
In other words, for candidates more important is "what is said" about the company as an employer rather than what social position and package it offers them.
Although construction of the image takes time, effort and perseverance, creating organizational and socialculture in your company is the first step in the Employer Branding process. Something like showing clients of a restaurant the kitchen the products they use, chefs with their skills, organization and work atmosphere.
If you have the courage to do it, the name of your company can find a place in the specially developed section of the best employers in Bulgaria – "PREFERRED Employer" of JobTiger. This will help you to easier build your organization's image as a great place to work in the minds of current and future employees.
Become a PREFERRED employer! HOW?
Companies already present in the renewed section "Employer Branding" of www.jobtiger.bg
In other words, for candidates more important is "what is said" about the company as an employer rather than what social position and package it offers them.
Although construction of the image takes time, effort and perseverance, creating organizational and socialculture in your company is the first step in the Employer Branding process. Something like showing clients of a restaurant the kitchen the products they use, chefs with their skills, organization and work atmosphere.
If you have the courage to do it, the name of your company can find a place in the specially developed section of the best employers in Bulgaria – "PREFERRED Employer" of JobTiger. This will help you to easier build your organization's image as a great place to work in the minds of current and future employees.
Become a PREFERRED employer! HOW?
Companies already present in the renewed section "Employer Branding" of www.jobtiger.bg