Polls in popular sites are becoming more clear about the mood of people in the labor market.

To the question "Will you look for a new job after the crisis passes?" more than 70% of the 500 participants responded affirmatively. This naturally raises the question how stable are the companies in which have already emerged and developed similar sentiments.

Furthermore, this information may lead managers of the most stable companies to startle, the survey also raises several questions such as:

How do employers accept the fact that 7 of every 10 employees would leave the company at the first opportunity?
  • If 70% of the employees leaving the company in one day, what will happen with its activities?
  • What people will replace employees who left? 70% left unsatisfied by other companies, young people without experience, with people over middle age or close to retirement ...
  • What is wrong with business now? Are only low salaries the cause of dissatisfaction of the people? Is there something that can be changed to retain successful employees?
On the other hand, these statistics should encourage people (employees, freelancers, workers) to think about things like:
  • Will they really dare to leave work. And what risks they take by leaving – to fall in place and work that satisfy them or spend long periods without income ... or fall back into place where they will work without a contract, holidays, insurance and outside established rules …
  • Are Bulgarians grumblers or just do not know what work is appropriate for them ...
  • Do they make sufficient efforts to keep their jobs and do they have the skills to stay longer in a job ...
  • Can they change something in their attitude and behavior, which can facilitate both them and the employer ...
  • Are they active in the labor market or waiting someone to change something …
  • What will happen after 10 years, when many parents can no longer support them …
  • For how many positions they have applied in the last month ...
  • How it happens that they find time and money for cigarettes, hairstyling and clothes but they have "no" opportunity to enter the Internet and seek a job ...
The list may be indefinitely long, but what interests us is what other questions raises in you that more or less alarming statistics?

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