
The IT sector needs young talents – this was proved by the increase in the number of participating companies at Career Days – IT, Communications and Outsourcing

Thursday, 18 October 2018
The biggest specialized career forum in those sectors was held between October 11th and 17th in three cities – industrial centers for Bulgaria brought 2700 young specialists looking for a job.
The specialized forum “Career Days: IT, Communications and Outsourcing” organized by JobTiger for ninth consecutive year connected 113 companies-exhibitors with 2700 young people. The event was held for third time in Plovdiv and second time in Varna. The forum gives a great opportunity to the students and young specialists who are looking for career development in the IT, Telecommunications and Outsourcing field to meet the companies – leaders in these sectors and to find their new workplace or their chance to participate in internship programs.

Statistics for the event:
• Sofia – 92 companies and 1600 attendants
• Plovdiv – 26 companies and 600 attendants
• Varna – 32 companies and 500 attendants

Announced as a youth career forum, this year a huge number of experienced specialists was attracted by this event and saw career opportunity for themselves.

In his speech Mr. Donchev - Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Bulgaria pointed out that the Bulgarian business experience the demand for workers and, therefore, these kinds of events are extremely helpful. Meanwhile, he added that, to keep an employee, it is of great importance to make him believe in what he is doing as well as the motivation.

The continuously developing IT and Outsourcing sectors and the lack of employees in them make the business active in the demand of solutions. While many people still consider the statement “There is no jobs” for truth, the recruiting specialists are dealing more and more with the challenge of how and where to find all these needed specialists and experts in order to cover the needs of the companies that they work for. The companies are more and more considering which are the successful strategies to reach the needed people. The recruitment specialists must represent their companies in front of the audience in order to raise the awareness about themselves and to build an image as a “dream employer”. This aim could be achieved with purposeful and constant efforts. The participation in career forums is one of them, and this role is almost as important as finding the young and talented employees necessary for the company.

The young participants are very proactive, they do not stop developing and always use every similar opportunity to be informed about what is demand and supply on the labor market and to make an informed choice which companies-employers offer the most suitable conditions for them.

“Career Days” – IT, Communications and Outsourcing is organized by JobTiger – a company for complex HR services and the biggest career forums organizer in the country. The Golden sponsor of the event is LiveArea, followed by the silver sponsor – Accenture Bulgaria and bronze sponsors – Milestone Systems Bulgaria and Teleperformance Greece.

Media partners of the event are,, Bulgarska nauka,,, Able Mentor, Trakia Economic Zone, Uspelite, Pixel Media,,,, Kaldata, Az moga tuk I sega and

On 29th of November 2018 will be held the last career event for this year – “Career Days: Economy, Finance, Marketing, Human resources and Customer service”.