
Acibadem City Clinic is the largest group of medical institutions in Bulgaria with a leading role in the provision of medical services in various fields of medicine.

Established in 2016, the group is a merger of the leaders in hospital healthcare in the country - Tokuda Hospital and City Clinic, together with one of the largest healthcare holdings in Turkey - Acibadem. In Bulgaria, the structure includes 3 hospitals and 1 medical center;

Acıbadem City Clinic Tokuda Hospital

Acıbadem City Clinic UMBAL Cardiovascular Center

Acıbadem City Clinic Mladost Hospital

Acıbadem City Clinic Varna Medical Center

Two of the hospitals are the only medical institutions in the country accredited with the international standard for quality and safety - Joint Commission International (JCI).

The medical establishments from the group of Acibadem City Clinic in Bulgaria are part of the international organization IHH Healthcare Berhad and their brand Acibadem, based in Turkey.

IHH Healthcare Berhad is a private premium healthcare provider operating in the markets of Malaysia and Singapore, leader in providing high quality medical services and the largest private healthcare group in Asia.

With over 2,500 employees, Acıbadem City Clinic is recognized for the state-of-the-art technology and equipment, unique for the country medical services and innovative diagnostics, treatment and prophylactic techniques, urgent medical conditions, and healthcare in almost all medical specialties.

The mission of the hospital‘s group is integrating a full cycle of medical care - from screening diagnostics, hospitalization to treatment of chronic diseases in absolutely all aspects such as training, research, and development.