ИТР Мениджмънт Консулт ООД

Varna www.itrm-consult.com 5 - 10 employees


ITR Management Consult OOD is a limited liability company, established in Varna, Bulgaria. The main activity of the company is focused on providing dedicated nearshore IT teams, consulting and services in the field of information technologies (IT), development, sale, implementation and maintenance of software products, project management and IT portfolio management.

ITR Management Consult OOD manages Nearshore IT Centre Varna®, providing IT services to its clients, focusing on the European market, through dedicated IT teams based in Varna.

Provided services: 

• Consultancy – We provide expertise and consultants in Enterprise Architecture, Project & Portfolio management, diverse technology areas, etc.. 

• IT product SW development – We support partners’ IT product development and implementation.

• IT applications Maintenance and Support – We provide maintenance and support for our partners’ IT applications.

• Remote support – We organize remote administration and support of IT infrastructure and security.


Joining ITR Management Consult OOD you will find development opportunities that match your individual aspirations and motivations. You will work in an international environment, which gives state-of-the-art benchmark and boosts your professional skills. You will benefit from experience sharing with our customers" teams. Additional vacation days will complement the attractive compensation package, which reflects your experience, skills and wishes, while competing with the existing market opportunities. Flexible working hours, independence, and remote delivery, while working from home, are part from our company spirit.

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